Documentation of the AdvanceCAB video utility.

1 Synopsis

video [/s MODE] [/e] [/d] [/r] [/l PCXIMAGE]

2 Description

The `video' utility can be used to control the video output of the PC in DOS.

3 Options

Load a PCX image. The image must be a PCX image in the 320x200 8bit format. The image is displayed using the standard VGA 320x200 256 color video mode number 13h.
Set an arbitrary video mode. The MODE is expressed as an hexadecimal BIOS number.

The most common modes are:

1 Text mode 40x25 16 color.
3 Text mode 80x25 16 color.
13 Graphics mode 320x200 256 color.
Disable the hardware video signal.
Enable the hardware video signal.
Reset the video board using the BIOS startup function.

4 Examples

A good configuration for Arcade monitors/TVs may be:


device=c:\cab\video.exe /l c:\cab\video.pcx
device=c:\cab\vga.exe /l /d /c c:\cab\vga.rc
...other commands...


...other commands...
c:\cab\vga /e application...