The whole documentation of the Advance Projects.
All these files are also included in the downloadable archives if you prefere to read them offline.
faq.txt | FAQ |
install.txt | Installation and first time use instructions |
cardlinx.txt | Supported GNU/Linux video cards |
carddos.txt | Supported DOS video cards |
cardwin.txt | Supported Windows video cards |
advmame.txt | Emulator use and configuration |
advdev.txt | Drivers configuration for video, audio, joystick, keyboard and mouse |
advcfg.txt | Automatic video configuration utility |
advv.txt | Manual video configuration utility |
advj.txt | Joystick tester |
advk.txt | Keyboard tester |
advm.txt | Mouse tester |
advs.txt | Sound tester |
script.txt | Scripts |
build.txt | Build process for AdvanceMAME/MESS |
advmenu.txt | Frontend |
advscan.txt | Rom manager utility |
advdiff.txt | Rom set diff utility |
advzip.txt | ZIP recompression utility |
advpng.txt | PNG recompression utility |
advmng.txt | MNG recompression utility |
advdef.txt | MNG, PNG, GZ optimization utility |